Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Happy New Year?

Happy? Are you happy? No worries. We all will get there. It's just the matter of time.

New Year, new resolution? Nahh. Why not just let 2015 be and everything will

fall into place.

Happy New Year. :)

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Same person, same shit

If it didn't work out then, it will never work out.

Trust me.

I've gone down this road for so many times. My ex and I tried to work things out many times but we kept getting the same result. It's hard to let go but that's the only option I have. To let go. Both of us need to let go. We just have to. 

No matter how much we like each other but if we are not meant to be, then things won't work out. They just won't anymore. Let go. Let him go. Let "us" go. Let the past go.