Wednesday, 16 October 2013



What is home?

A place that I can comfortably call "home". 

I like staying alone in Cyberjaya. I get to do whatever or anything at anytime I want. I could also walk around in the house naked without worrying who will see me in the house. 

I'm not a clean person but when I'm alone, I like to clean my room, living room, toilet & also the stairs. I like to do those shits when no one is looking. Pretty weird huh? Hehe

Sometimes I ask myself what I truly want to do in future... Accounting? Or event management? Or a housewife? 

A housewife? Many would think I'm crazy if I'd settle down as a housewife. But what if being a housewife is something I really want to do? I like cleaning my own shits when no one's home. Don't all the housewives do that every single day? They clean the house when their kids and husbands aren't home. But I'm not going to be a typical housewife... I would love to be a housewife that work from home and also tutor my own kids. Yes, tutoring your own kids is really important when you are a parent. In future, everything will be expensive and the working hours will be extending as we need to find more money to support our family. I would not want to see my husband getting all moody and stressed up due to his piled works. I just want to see a happy husband coming back home and I would be waiting for him at home.  

Everything is expensive nowadays except for people. People are getting cheap day by day. People are willing to do anything for money. I think I should refer people as "we" because everyone is doing it. But is it our fault? All we do is just to support our lives, so I don't think there is any wrong with doing it. It is just that we need to bear with the judgements to be made by others. 2013 and we still get judged for whatever shit we do. Anyways, stay strong! 

Education and starting our own family would be quite costly in near future. Yes, near future and I can already feel it. Lol. Haha. 

Is it wise for me to dream of becoming a housewife? A housewife than cleans the house, tutors the kids, educates her kids well, respects & loves her husband, works from home? I want to make my own money as well, so that I will have power on myself in future. I do not want to lose self power after I got married just because my husband is the only one that makes money at home. I want to be a super housewife and I make my family a comfortable home. And for that, each of us will be proud to call the place we sleep every night, "HOME".

Home is where everything started. 

Faren Zori

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